The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Briar Hill Primary School

Briar Hill is a warm and happy school with well-being at the heart. All children are challenged, nurtured and inspired to achieve highly and make a positive contribution to society.


School Uniform                       

Children are expected to attend school wearing suitable school uniform that is clearly labelled with their full name. The basic uniform is smart, safe and makes children feel a sense of belonging. In addition, no false items such as nails, eyelashes and tattoos are permitted at our school. 

For safety reasons, only stud earrings are allowed and then only in the ears. All jewellery must be removed during PE lessons. No make-up or nail polish.

Book bags may be purchased via MCAS (login details will be given to you once your child has started school).

The basic school uniform consists of:

Grey jumper or cardigan unbranded purchased from your local supermarket. (logo jumpers and cardigans can be brought from Karl Sports if you prefer) Logo Jumpers / Cardigans can be bought via Karl Sports :- but plain grey unbranded / no logo is also allowed.

  • White polo-shirt/shirt
  • Black trousers or skirt/pinafore
  • Black shoes (not trainers)
  • Blue check summer dresses or black shorts
  • (only in summer months)
  • Briar Hill Primary school book bag (can be bought on MCAS)
  • Tie for Year 5 and 6 (can be bought on MCAS) although gifted when enters Y5
  • PE - Black shorts and white t-shirt with trainers or black plimsolls   

school uniform policy.pdf

Clothing and Personal Property

We do not encourage children to bring toys or personal property to school. Items that become a distraction will be removed until the end of the day and discouraged in future.

Apart from watches, no jewellery should be worn in school. If ears are already pierced, studs only may be worn and in the interest of safety they must be removed for P.E./swimming activities.

Children should not wear makeup or temporary tattoos. Long hair should be worn tied up for PE and DT for health and safety reasons.

Briar Hill Primary Swap Shop

Briar Hill are always looking for ways to reduce the cost of school uniform for our families and the only logo items that parents need to purchase are a sweatshirt or cardigan from Karl Sports.

With this in mind we would like to ask if you have any clothing items i.e. trousers, skirts, tops, coats  etc that your child has grown out of, and are still wearable would you please consider donating them to Briar Hill.

Please pop them into the school office at your earliest convenience.