Remote Learning - Year 1 - Archived
Dear Parents/Carers,
Like the previous lock-down, they will contact you to check that everything is going well and to see if there is anything else we can do to help. Furthermore, they will be also be available through Google Classroom marking the children's work and answering questions and Class Dojo.
Our learning at Briar Hill Primary School for Year 1 has now switched to Google Classroom online platform We are also using Microsoft TEAMS to deliver Live lessons. Our Remote LIVE Lessons Microsoft TEAMS Timetable is available in the Remote Learning Provision section. The provision at school mirrors the online offer.
As well as Microsoft TEAM live lessons, home learning booklets, videos, voice over presentations and lesson introductions can be found on Google Classroom. This is our primary platform for remote learning as allows teachers (us) to provide tailored sessions for your child created to help make their learning experience at home similar to that at school with inclusive, supportive instructions and an opportunity to feedback once the work has been submitted.
If children are self-isolating, they MUST still complete work daily following the timetable of their class and return ALL work through Google Classroom, so that the teacher can give summary feedback about areas for improvement.
If the year group bubble has to close, children MUST move to remote learning and continue to follow the timetable.
Below is our remote learning timetable prevision which follows our blended learning of both Microsoft Teams LIVE Lessons, recorded sessions and booklets which reflects what is going on in school.
year 1 timetable spring 2 remote learning.pdf
Please remember you know your child best and can plan when it is the most effective time to sit down and complete the tasks. But there is an expectation that each child will participate with learning for 3 hours each day. Do not forget to tune into our Live Lessons as seen on our Remote Learning Page. Each week a link will be sent out to you via Class Dojo and also available on your Google Classroom. Below you will find more activities to help at home which links with our Remote Learning Blended Curriculum offer at Briar Hill Primary School.
Pupil Voice - Year 1
A.N - 'On Google classroom, I liked finishing all the work and I enjoy speaking to my friends on Microsoft teams.'
A.N - 'I have been able to log in and do my work. I think I enjoy the reading lessons the most.'
Year 1 - Recovery Curriculum
year 1 briar hill curriculum overview n y6 recovery.pdf
Year 1 - Remote Learning Examples
y1 home learning printable booklet calculation unit 4 days 1 5.pdf
Helpful links
Oxford Owl, books to support your child at the right colour band
Book Trust. Some books and games to enjoy on line.
RWI videos can be found on YouTube
Top Tips to suppose children reading at home
BBC Bitesize - Grammar, punctuation and spelling – includes – spelling, homophones, prefixes and suffixes, punctuation, the alphabet and letters, handwriting, how to understand texts, fiction texts and poems
Maths Quiz - This is a great website which consolidates learning within school. Questions are like the tasks in school and the layout is the same. Children are given immediate feedback and can-do quizzes from different year groups.
TT Rockstars - Here is the website for TT Rockstars in which the children can practise their TimeTables - Please contact Mr Warren if you require a reminder of your login details.
Top Marks - Number bonds, Doubles and Halves
NCETM - Teaching for mastery and helping children with open ended questions
BBC Bitesize - This website has a huge range of games as well as learning that children can play in a very interactive way.