The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Briar Hill Primary School

Briar Hill is a warm and happy school with well-being at the heart. All children are challenged, nurtured and inspired to achieve highly and make a positive contribution to society.


Welcome to the class page for each of our classes at Briar Hill.

At Briar Hill, we have the highest expectations for all of our children to achieve exceptional outcomes.  Underpinned by a culture of positive relationships and our school values of Courage, AspireAmbition and Respect, together our staff and children strive to exceed the limitations of potential.

All staff at Briar Hill recognise that learning time in schools is finite and as a result they must find ways to ensure that all learning is highly effective and efficient.  Our inspiring teachers communicate their passion for subjects through their teaching of a coherent and cumulatively structured knowledge-rich curriculum, which meets the needs of individual learners’ talents and builds the foundation for their future.  Within lessons, teachers aim to deliver lessons which are explicitly taught and modelled; retrieve and build upon prior learning; are structured, scaffolded and carefully adapted to maximise the learning opportunities; resources are utilised effectively and provide timely feedback to ensure the that every child achieves their very best in every lesson.

Our school environment reflects the high expectations we have through for our children through the visible learning evidenced on working walls, which demonstrate how knowledge builds over time; the vocabulary rich classrooms and our displays and shared spaces. Furthermore, all classes are equipped with the latest technology, which are used to enhance and enrich the curriculum.

Please watch our showcase Twitter feed to see a showcase of the brilliant work the pupils at Briar Hill Primary School have produced:

Briar Hill Primary School - Twitter Feed



Teachers: Miss McGovern and Mrs Kowal 

The newsletter below displays Nursery current learning for the term. If you require any further information or have a question for the teachers in Nursery, please do not hesitate to message them via Class Dojo and they will reply as soon as they can.

curriculum news term 3 nursery.pdf


Teachers: Mrs Crozier, Mrs McMillan, Mrs Evans

The newsletter below displays Receptions current learning for the term. If you require any further information or have a question for the teachers in Reception, please do not hesitate to message them via Class Dojo and they will reply as soon as they can.

newsletter r term 6 2024.pdf

Year 1

Teachers: Miss Johnson

The newsletter below displays Year 1's current learning for the term. If you require any further information or have a question for the teachers in Year 1, please do not hesitate to message them via Class Dojo and they will reply as soon as they can.

newsletter y1 t3 24 25.pdf

year 1 functional skills homework.pdf

Year 2

Teacher: Miss Tranter and Miss Rumsey

The newsletter below displays Year 2's current learning for the term. If you require any further information or have a question for the teacher in Year 2, please do not hesitate to message them via Class Dojo and they will reply as soon as they can.

newsletter y2 t3 24 25.pdf

year 2 functional skills homework.pdf

Year 3

Teachers: Mr Crozier and Mr Cross

The newsletter below displays Year 3's current learning for the term. If you require any further information or have a question for the teachers in Year 3, please do not hesitate to message them via Class Dojo and they will reply as soon as they can.

newsletter term 6 y3 2.pdf

year 3 functional skills homework.pdf

Year 4

Teachers: Mrs Peters 

The newsletter below displays Year 4's current learning for the term. If you require any further information or have a question for the teacher in Year 4, please do not hesitate to message them via Class Dojo and they will reply as soon as they can.

newsletter y4 term 4 summer 2 2024.pdf

year 4 functional skills homework.pdf

Year 5

Teachers: Mr Mair and Mrs Luu

The newsletter below displays Year 5's current learning for the term. If you require any further information or have a question for the teachers in Year 5, please do not hesitate to message them via Class Dojo and they will reply as soon as they can.

newsletter y5 t3.pdf

years 5 and 6 functional skills homework.pdf

Year 6

Teachers: Mr Warren, Mr Hall and Mrs Cross

The newsletter below displays Year 6's current learning for the term. If you require any further information or have a question for the teachers in Year 6, please do not hesitate to message them via Class Dojo and they will reply as soon as they can.

newsletter y6 t3 24 25.pdf

years 5 and 6 functional skills homework.pdf

SLT Teaching Team

Teachers: Miss Cooksley, Mrs Cross and Mr Hickman

Support Staff

  • Mrs Leanne Rowton
  • Mrs Eileen Upson
  • Mrs Louise Flowers
  • Miss Doville Jokuliene
  • Mrs Judy Rainbow
  • Mrs Cam Dinh
  • Mrs Yvonne Grant
  • Mrs Joanna Garrett
  • Miss Charley Hicks
  • Mrs Stefania Catalano
  • Mrs Sally Wharton