To apply for a place at Briar Hill Primary School you must apply through West Northamptonshire County Council and not through the school direct.
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We know it is not an easy decision, and below we have some support to follow about who can apply to our school. Deciding which school, you would prefer is one of the most important decisions parents and children have to make.
It is important to have all of the information available to enable you, with your child, to take a considered view of the school you would prefer them to attend.
Please click on our admissions policy below, to find out more about applying to our school.
Places are allocated through the Local Authority.
However, the administration team at Briar Hill Primary School are always happy to advise and help, so please do not hesitate to contact the school.
After your application has been submitted to Northamptonshire County Council their Admissions Team will co-ordinate the application process and advise parents, by letter, of the outcome of their application. They will require a confirmed address and moving date before we can process the application.
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Applying for a place to start in our Reception Class in September
A child will start school in the Reception class in the September following their fourth birthday.
When a school receives more applications than it has places available (this is usually called its published admissions number), the school’s oversubscription admission criteria are used to decide which applicants are offered places.
In each case the criteria are applied in the order of priority stated. In many cases when the published admission number is reached within one of the criteria groups, the admissions team at Northamptonshire County Council use a ‘tie-breaker’ based on distance. Places will be allocated to pupils who have Statement of Special Educational Needs that names the school as appropriate provision.
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When there are more applicants for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:
- Children in public care.
- Children with specific medical and social needs, supported by written evidence from an appropriate professional person.
- Pupils with an older brother or sister continuing at the school at the same time of admission of the younger child.
- Pupils who live closer to the preferred school than any other school.
- Other pupils.
Joining Briar Hill Primary School
If you are interested in your child joining Briar Hill Primary School then you are very welcome to make an appointment to meet the Head Teacher, look around the school and discuss your child’s needs.
If you would like to apply for a place for your child at Briar Hill Primary School, please follow the link below:
Selection and Oversubscription Criteria
Places will be allocated to pupils who have a statement of SEN that names the school as appropriate provision.
When there are more applications for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:
i. Children in public care or previously in public care but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order – see page 186 for full definition.
ii. Pupils with an older brother or sister continuing at the school at the time of admission of the younger child.
iii. Pupils who live closer to the preferred school than any other school.
iv. Other pupils.
If the admission number is exceeded within criterion (iii) priority will be given to those who live furthest from the nearest alternative school. If the admission number is exceeded within any other criterion priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.
If you have been refused a place at one or more of your preferred schools, you are entitled to appeal against that decision.
You are required to fill out an appeals form, details of which can be found on the Northamptonshire County Council website. Please click here to be transferred to the School Appeals page.
- 4208 Briar Hill A5 leaflet 2
- 4208 Briar Hill A5 leaflet 2 2
- Briar Hill Primary School Admissions Policy 2024 25
- Briar Hill Primary School Admissions Policy 2025 26
- Deferred entry application form
- DRET Primary Ready Northampton
- EYFS Leaflet
- Reception intake 2024
- School admissions code 2021
- Tour Our School
At Briar Hill Primary School, we want to ensure that every pupil who leaves us in Year 6 are ready and prepared for what Secondary School has to offer. Included here is a few links to the local schools around Briar Hill Primary School and a transition PowerPoint and Video.
Is your child worried about Secondary School? Here are a couple of children who have gone through the experience and have kindly shared this with their old school.
You will be amazing, remember that everyone is in the same position as you, so just be yourself and remember to ask for help if you need anything.
My advice is to join in with the extra-curricular clubs. It doesn't have to be sport, their is drama, chess and even a games club at my school.